#!/usr/bin/python # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) from ansible.module_utils.basic import * from ansible.module_utils.urls import open_url import json import tarfile import os import os.path import tempfile DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: aur short_description: Manage packages from the AUR description: - Manage packages from the Arch User Repository (AUR) author: - Kewl options: name: description: - Name or list of names of the package(s) to install or upgrade. upgrade: description: - Whether or not to upgrade whole system. type: bool default: no use: description: - The helper to use, 'auto' uses the first known helper found and makepkg as a fallback. default: auto choices: [ auto, aurman, pacaur, trizen, pikaur, yay, makepkg ] skip_installed: description: - Skip operations if the package is present. type: bool default: no skip_pgp_check: description: - Skip verification of PGP signatures. This is useful when installing packages on a host without GnuPG (properly) configured. Only valid with makepkg. type: bool default: no notes: - When used with a `loop:` each package will be processed individually, it is much more efficient to pass the list directly to the `name` option. ''' RETURN = ''' msg: description: action that has been taken helper: the helper that was actually used ''' EXAMPLES = ''' - name: Install trizen using makepkg, skip if trizen is already installed aur: name=trizen use=makepkg skip_installed=true become: yes become_user: aur_builder ''' def_lang = ['env', 'LC_ALL=C'] use_cmd = { 'aurman': ['aurman', '-S', '--noconfirm', '--noedit', '--needed'], 'pacaur': ['pacaur', '-S', '--noconfirm', '--noedit', '--needed'], 'trizen': ['trizen', '-S', '--noconfirm', '--noedit', '--needed'], 'pikaur': ['pikaur', '-S', '--noconfirm', '--noedit', '--needed'], 'yay': ['yay', '-S', '--noconfirm'], 'makepkg': ['makepkg', '--syncdeps', '--install', '--noconfirm', '--needed'] } # optional: aurman, pacaur, trizen have a --aur option, do things only for aur def package_installed(module, package): """ Determine if the package is already installed """ rc, _, _ = module.run_command(['pacman', '-Q', package], check_rc=False) return rc == 0 def check_packages(module, packages): """ Inform the user what would change if the module were run """ would_be_changed = [] for package in packages: installed = package_installed(module, package) if not installed: would_be_changed.append(package) if would_be_changed: status = True if (len(packages) > 1): message = '%s package(s) would be installed' % str(len(would_be_changed)) else: message = 'package would be installed' else: status = False if (len(packages) > 1): message = 'all packages are already installed' else: message = 'package is already installed' module.exit_json(changed=status, msg=message) def install_with_makepkg(module, package): """ Install the specified package with makepkg """ f = open_url('https://aur.archlinux.org/rpc/?v=5&type=info&arg={}'.format(package)) result = json.loads(f.read().decode('utf8')) if result['resultcount'] != 1: return (1, '', 'package not found') result = result['results'][0] f = open_url('https://aur.archlinux.org/{}'.format(result['URLPath'])) current_path = os.getcwd() with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir: os.chdir(tmpdir) tar_file = '{}.tar.gz'.format(result['Name']) with open(tar_file, 'wb') as out: out.write(f.read()) tar = tarfile.open(tar_file) tar.extractall() tar.close() os.chdir(format(result['Name'])) if module.params['skip_pgp_check']: use_cmd['makepkg'].append('--skippgpcheck') rc, out, err = module.run_command(use_cmd['makepkg'], check_rc=True) os.chdir(current_path) return (rc, out, err) def upgrade(module, use): """ Upgrade the whole system """ assert use in use_cmd rc, out, err = module.run_command(def_lang + use_cmd[use] + ['-u'], check_rc=True) module.exit_json( changed=not (out == '' or 'nothing to do' in out or 'No AUR updates found' in out), msg='upgraded system', helper=use, ) def install_packages(module, packages, use, skip_installed): """ Install the specified packages """ assert use in use_cmd changed_iter = False for package in packages: if skip_installed: if package_installed(module, package): rc = 0 continue if use == 'makepkg': rc, out, err = install_with_makepkg(module, package) else: rc, out, err = module.run_command(def_lang + use_cmd[use] + [package], check_rc=True) changed_iter = changed_iter or not (out == '' or '-- skipping' in out or 'nothing to do' in out) if changed_iter: message = 'installed package(s)' else: message = 'package(s) already installed' module.exit_json( changed=changed_iter, msg=message if not rc else err, helper=use, rc=rc, ) def main(): module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec={ 'name': { 'type': 'list', }, 'upgrade': { 'default': False, 'type': 'bool', }, 'use': { 'default': 'auto', 'choices': ['auto', 'aurman', 'pacaur', 'trizen', 'pikaur', 'yaourt', 'yay', 'makepkg'], }, 'skip_installed': { 'default': False, 'type': 'bool', }, 'skip_pgp_check': { 'default': False, 'type': 'bool', }, }, required_one_of=[['name', 'upgrade']], supports_check_mode=True ) params = module.params if module.check_mode: check_packages(module, params['name']) if params['use'] == 'auto': use = 'makepkg' # auto: select the first helper for which the bin is found for k in use_cmd: if module.get_bin_path(k, False): use = k break else: use = params['use'] if params['upgrade'] and (params['name'] or params['skip_installed'] or use == 'makepkg'): module.fail_json(msg="Upgrade cannot be used with this option.") else: if params['upgrade']: upgrade(module, use) else: install_packages(module, params['name'], use, params['skip_installed']) if __name__ == '__main__': main()