Personal ArchLinux package combining dropbear and cryptsetup in initrd for unlocking LUKS-encrypted devices either locally (boot console) or remotely over SSH. The code was reworked from [dropbear_initrd_encrypt]( ## Installation After cloning the repo, installation is done as for an AUR package. ## Configuration As explained upon installation, the following things need to be done: * add the SSH public key to `/etc/dropbear/initrd.authorized_keys` * add the `ip=` kernel command parameter to the bootloader configuration (see * in the `HOOKS` section of `/etc/mkinitcpio.conf`, add `ssh-cryptsetup` before `filesystems`; then rebuild the initramfs: `mkinitcpio -p linux` The LUKS-encrypted devices to unlock are derived from `/etc/crypttab`. The SSH listening port (22 by default) can be changed by setting the `sshcs_opt_listen` option in `/etc/dropbear/initrd.env` (file is sourced in initrd shell). For example: sshcs_opt_listen=2222