git'n a system-desgin-primer
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
1. User Class:
a. Represents a user of the streaming service.
b. Can create playlists and receive content recommendations based on their playlists.
2. Subscription Class:
a. Represents a user's subscription type and monthly fee.
3. Media Class:
a. Represents a media item (e.g., a movie or song) with attributes like title, genre, and play count.
b. Includes a method to play the media, which increments the play count.
4. Playlist Class:
a. Represents a user-created playlist that can hold multiple media items.
b. Includes methods to add media to the playlist and display the playlist.
5. MediaLibrary Class:
a. Manages the collection of media items available for streaming.
b. Includes methods to add media to the library and provide recommendations based on user playlists.
@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
class User:
def __init__(self, user_id, name, subscription):
self.user_id = user_id
| = name
self.subscription = subscription
self.playlists = []
def create_playlist(self, playlist_name):
playlist = Playlist(playlist_name)
print(f"Playlist '{playlist_name}' created for {}.")
def recommend_content(self, media_library):
recommendations = media_library.get_recommendations(self)
print(f"Recommendations for {}: {', '.join(recommendations)}")
class Subscription:
def __init__(self, subscription_type, monthly_fee):
self.subscription_type = subscription_type
self.monthly_fee = monthly_fee
class Media:
def __init__(self, media_id, title, genre):
self.media_id = media_id
self.title = title
self.genre = genre
self.play_count = 0
def play(self):
self.play_count += 1
print(f"Playing '{self.title}'.")
class Playlist:
def __init__(self, name):
| = name
self.media_items = []
def add_media(self, media):
print(f"Added '{media.title}' to playlist '{}'.")
def show_playlist(self):
print(f"Playlist '{}': {[media.title for media in self.media_items]}")
class MediaLibrary:
def __init__(self):
self.media_collection = []
def add_media(self, media):
print(f"Media '{media.title}' added to the library.")
def get_recommendations(self, user):
# Simple recommendation based on genres of user's playlists
recommended = []
for playlist in user.playlists:
for media in playlist.media_items:
if media.genre not in recommended:
# Return a list of media titles from the library that match recommended genres
recommendations = [media.title for media in self.media_collection if media.genre in recommended]
return recommendations[:5] # Limit to 5 recommendations
# Example Usage
# Create media library and add media
media_library = MediaLibrary()
media_library.add_media(Media(1, "Inception", "Sci-Fi"))
media_library.add_media(Media(2, "Titanic", "Romance"))
media_library.add_media(Media(3, "The Matrix", "Sci-Fi"))
media_library.add_media(Media(4, "The Godfather", "Crime"))
media_library.add_media(Media(5, "Interstellar", "Sci-Fi"))
# Create a subscription
basic_subscription = Subscription("Basic", 9.99)
# Create a user
user1 = User(1, "Alice", basic_subscription)
# User creates a playlist and adds media
user1.playlists[0].add_media(media_library.media_collection[0]) # Inception
user1.playlists[0].add_media(media_library.media_collection[2]) # The Matrix
# Show the user's playlist
# Get recommendations for the user
# Play a media item
media_library.media_collection[0].play() # Play Inception
@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
class Account:
def __init__(self, account_number, account_holder, balance=0):
self.account_number = account_number
self.account_holder = account_holder
self.balance = balance
def deposit(self, amount):
self.balance += amount
print(f"Deposited {amount}. New balance: {self.balance}")
def withdraw(self, amount):
if amount > self.balance:
print("Insufficient funds.")
self.balance -= amount
print(f"Withdrawn {amount}. New balance: {self.balance}")
def get_balance(self):
return self.balance
class Transaction:
def __init__(self, transaction_id, account, amount, transaction_type):
self.transaction_id = transaction_id
self.account = account
self.amount = amount
self.transaction_type = transaction_type
def execute(self):
if self.transaction_type == "deposit":
elif self.transaction_type == "withdraw":
print("Invalid transaction type.")
class Bank:
def __init__(self):
self.accounts = {}
def create_account(self, account_number, account_holder):
if account_number not in self.accounts:
self.accounts[account_number] = Account(account_number, account_holder)
print(f"Account created for {account_holder}.")
print("Account already exists.")
def get_account(self, account_number):
return self.accounts.get(account_number, None)
# Example Usage
bank = Bank()
bank.create_account("123456", "Alice")
bank.create_account("789012", "Bob")
alice_account = bank.get_account("123456")
transaction1 = Transaction(1, alice_account, 1000, "deposit")
transaction2 = Transaction(2, alice_account, 500, "withdraw")
print(f"Alice's balance: {alice_account.get_balance()}")
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
Banking System:
1. Account: Represents a bank account, with methods to deposit,
withdraw, and check the balance.
2. Transaction: Represents a transaction, which can either be a
deposit or withdrawal.
3. Bank: Manages accounts and allows for account creation.
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
Features of this Food Delivery System:
1. Customer Class: Represents a customer with attributes like name, address, and phone number.
2. Restaurant Class: Represents a restaurant with a menu. It allows the system to show available
items and get the price of food.
3. DeliveryPerson Class: Represents a delivery person who is assigned to deliver an order.
4. Order Class: Represents an order with details like the customer, restaurant, and the food
item ordered. It also includes the price of the order.
5. FoodDeliverySystem Class: This is the core of the system. It manages customers, restaurants,
delivery personnel, and the order placement process. It assigns a delivery person to each order.
@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
class Customer:
def __init__(self, name, address, phone):
| = name
self.address = address
| = phone
def __str__(self):
return f"Customer: {}, Address: {self.address}, Phone: {}"
class Restaurant:
def __init__(self, name, menu):
| = name
| = menu # menu is a dictionary with item names as keys and prices as values
def show_menu(self):
print(f"Menu for {}:")
for item, price in
print(f"{item}: ${price:.2f}")
def get_price(self, item):
return, None)
def __str__(self):
return f"Restaurant: {}"
class DeliveryPerson:
def __init__(self, name):
| = name
def deliver(self, customer, order):
print(f"{} is delivering {order.food_item} to {} at {customer.address}")
def __str__(self):
return f"Delivery Person: {}"
class Order:
def __init__(self, customer, restaurant, food_item):
self.customer = customer
| = restaurant
self.food_item = food_item
self.price =
def display_order_details(self):
print(f"Order Details: \nCustomer: {}\nFood Item: {self.food_item}\n"
f"Price: ${self.price:.2f}\nRestaurant: {}")
def __str__(self):
return f"Order: {self.food_item} from {} for {}"
class FoodDeliverySystem:
def __init__(self):
self.customers = []
self.restaurants = []
self.delivery_people = []
def add_customer(self, customer):
def add_restaurant(self, restaurant):
def add_delivery_person(self, delivery_person):
def place_order(self, customer, restaurant, food_item):
if food_item not in
print(f"Sorry, {food_item} is not available at {}.")
return None
order = Order(customer, restaurant, food_item)
delivery_person = self.assign_delivery_person()
if delivery_person:
delivery_person.deliver(customer, order)
return order
def assign_delivery_person(self):
if not self.delivery_people:
print("No delivery person available at the moment.")
return None
# Assign the first available delivery person
return self.delivery_people[0]
def show_restaurants(self):
for restaurant in self.restaurants:
def show_customers(self):
for customer in self.customers:
# Example usage
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Initialize the system
delivery_system = FoodDeliverySystem()
# Create some customers
customer1 = Customer("Alice", "123 Main St", "555-1234")
customer2 = Customer("Bob", "456 Oak St", "555-5678")
# Add customers to the system
# Create some restaurants with menus
pizza_place = Restaurant("Pizza Place", {"Pizza": 10.99, "Burger": 7.99, "Pasta": 8.99})
sushi_spot = Restaurant("Sushi Spot", {"Sushi Roll": 12.99, "Tempura": 9.99, "Miso Soup": 3.99})
# Add restaurants to the system
# Create a delivery person
delivery_person1 = DeliveryPerson("John")
# Add delivery person to the system
# Display available restaurants
print("Available Restaurants:")
# Customer places an order
print("\nCustomer 1 places an order:")
delivery_system.place_order(customer1, pizza_place, "Pizza")
# Another customer places an order
print("\nCustomer 2 places an order:")
delivery_system.place_order(customer2, sushi_spot, "Sushi Roll")
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
1. Room Class:
a. Represents a hotel room with attributes for room number, type, price, and availability.
b. Methods include book_room (to book the room) and release_room (to make the room available again).
2. Customer Class:
a. Represents a customer who can book rooms.
b. Includes a method make_booking that attempts to book a room and create a Booking object if successful.
3. Booking Class:
a. Represents a booking made by a customer.
b. Calculates total price based on the duration of the stay and the room price.
c. Includes a method cancel_booking to release the room and remove the booking from the customer’s list.
4. Hotel Class:
a. Manages the collection of rooms.
b. Provides methods to add rooms, search for available rooms, and display all rooms.
@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
class Room:
def __init__(self, room_number, room_type, price):
self.room_number = room_number
self.room_type = room_type
self.price = price
self.is_available = True
def book_room(self):
if self.is_available:
self.is_available = False
return True
return False
def release_room(self):
self.is_available = True
class Customer:
def __init__(self, customer_id, name):
self.customer_id = customer_id
| = name
self.bookings = []
def make_booking(self, room, check_in, check_out):
if room.book_room():
booking = Booking(self, room, check_in, check_out)
print(f"Booking successful for {} in room {room.room_number}.")
return booking
print(f"Room {room.room_number} is not available.")
return None
class Booking:
def __init__(self, customer, room, check_in, check_out):
self.customer = customer
| = room
self.check_in = check_in
self.check_out = check_out
self.total_price = self.calculate_price()
def calculate_price(self):
# Assuming check_in and check_out are objects
stay_duration = (self.check_out - self.check_in).days
return stay_duration *
def cancel_booking(self):
print(f"Booking for room {} has been canceled.")
class Hotel:
def __init__(self):
self.rooms = []
def add_room(self, room_number, room_type, price):
room = Room(room_number, room_type, price)
print(f"Room {room_number} added.")
def search_rooms(self):
available_rooms = [room for room in self.rooms if room.is_available]
return available_rooms
def display_rooms(self):
for room in self.rooms:
status = "Available" if room.is_available else "Booked"
print(f"Room {room.room_number}: {room.room_type}, Price: ${room.price}, Status: {status}")
# Example Usage
from datetime import date
hotel = Hotel()
hotel.add_room(101, "Single", 100)
hotel.add_room(102, "Double", 150)
hotel.add_room(103, "Suite", 250)
# Display all rooms
# Create a customer
customer1 = Customer(1, "Alice")
# Search for available rooms
available_rooms = hotel.search_rooms()
if available_rooms:
# Customer books the first available room
booking1 = customer1.make_booking(available_rooms[0], date(2024, 10, 25), date(2024, 10, 28))
# Display bookings for the customer
print(f"Bookings for {}: {[ for booking in customer1.bookings]}")
# Cancel booking
if booking1:
# Display rooms after cancellation
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
Ride-Sharing Service:
1. User: Represents a user who can request rides.
2. Driver: Represents a driver who can accept rides.
3. Ride: Represents a ride request, including the user and locations.
4. RideSharingService: Manages users and drivers and includes logic
to match rides.
@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
import random
class User:
def __init__(self, user_id, name):
self.user_id = user_id
| = name
self.rides = []
def request_ride(self, pickup_location, dropoff_location):
ride = Ride(self, pickup_location, dropoff_location)
return ride
class Driver:
def __init__(self, driver_id, name):
self.driver_id = driver_id
| = name
self.rides = []
def accept_ride(self, ride):
ride.driver = self
print(f"Driver {} accepted ride from {}.")
class Ride:
def __init__(self, user, pickup_location, dropoff_location):
self.user = user
self.pickup_location = pickup_location
self.dropoff_location = dropoff_location
self.driver = None
self.ride_id = random.randint(1000, 9999) # Random ID for ride
class RideSharingService:
def __init__(self):
self.drivers = []
self.users = []
def register_driver(self, driver_id, name):
driver = Driver(driver_id, name)
print(f"Driver {name} registered.")
def register_user(self, user_id, name):
user = User(user_id, name)
print(f"User {name} registered.")
def match_ride(self, ride):
if self.drivers:
selected_driver = random.choice(self.drivers) # Simple random matching
print("No drivers available.")
# Example Usage
ride_sharing_service = RideSharingService()
ride_sharing_service.register_driver(1, "John")
ride_sharing_service.register_driver(2, "Jane")
ride_sharing_service.register_user(101, "Alice")
ride_sharing_service.register_user(102, "Bob")
alice = ride_sharing_service.users[0]
ride_request = alice.request_ride("Location A", "Location B")
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
Video Conferencing System:
1. User: Represents a user in the system.
2. Meeting: Handles participant management and audio/video streaming.
@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
import random
import threading
import time
class User:
def __init__(self, user_id, name):
self.user_id = user_id
| = name
class Meeting:
def __init__(self, meeting_id):
self.meeting_id = meeting_id
self.participants = []
self.is_active = True
def add_participant(self, user):
print(f"{} joined the meeting {self.meeting_id}.")
def remove_participant(self, user):
print(f"{} left the meeting {self.meeting_id}.")
def stream_audio_video(self):
# Simulated audio/video streaming
while self.is_active:
print(f"Streaming audio/video in meeting {self.meeting_id}...")
def end_meeting(self):
self.is_active = False
print(f"Meeting {self.meeting_id} has ended.")
class VideoConferencingSystem:
def __init__(self):
self.meetings = {}
def create_meeting(self):
meeting_id = random.randint(1000, 9999)
meeting = Meeting(meeting_id)
self.meetings[meeting_id] = meeting
print(f"Meeting {meeting_id} created.")
return meeting
# Example Usage
vcs = VideoConferencingSystem()
meeting = vcs.create_meeting()
user1 = User(1, "Alice")
user2 = User(2, "Bob")
stream_thread = threading.Thread(target=meeting.stream_audio_video)
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
Payment Processing System:
1. User: Represents a user with a balance.
2. Transaction: Represents a payment transaction between users.
3. PaymentProcessingSystem: Processes transactions and handles fund transfers.
@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
import random
class User:
def __init__(self, user_id, name, balance):
self.user_id = user_id
| = name
self.balance = balance
class Transaction:
def __init__(self, sender, receiver, amount):
self.transaction_id = random.randint(1000, 9999)
self.sender = sender
self.receiver = receiver
self.amount = amount
class PaymentProcessingSystem:
def process_payment(self, transaction):
if transaction.sender.balance >= transaction.amount:
transaction.sender.balance -= transaction.amount
transaction.receiver.balance += transaction.amount
print(f"Transaction {transaction.transaction_id} successful: {} paid {} ${transaction.amount}.")
print(f"Transaction {transaction.transaction_id} failed: Insufficient funds.")
# Example Usage
user1 = User(1, "Alice", 100)
user2 = User(2, "Bob", 50)
payment_system = PaymentProcessingSystem()
transaction = Transaction(user1, user2, 30)
print(f"{}'s balance: ${user1.balance}")
print(f"{}'s balance: ${user2.balance}")
@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
import threading
class Document:
def __init__(self, title):
self.title = title
self.content = ""
self.lock = threading.Lock()
def edit(self, new_content):
with self.lock:
self.content = new_content
print(f"Document '{self.title}' updated: {self.content}")
class User:
def __init__(self, user_id, name):
self.user_id = user_id
| = name
def edit_document(self, document, new_content):
print(f"{} is editing the document '{document.title}'...")
# Example Usage
document = Document("Project Plan")
user1 = User(1, "Alice")
user2 = User(2, "Bob")
# Simulating concurrent edits
thread1 = threading.Thread(target=user1.edit_document, args=(document, "Draft by Alice."))
thread2 = threading.Thread(target=user2.edit_document, args=(document, "Draft by Bob."))
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
1. Document: Represents a document being edited, with content locked for
safe concurrent editing.
2. User: Represents a user editing the document.
3. Each user can edit the document concurrently, with proper locking to prevent
data corruption.
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
Smart Home System:
1. SmartDevice: Represents a smart device with on/off control.
2. SmartHomeSystem: Manages devices and controls their states.
@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
class SmartDevice:
def __init__(self, device_id, device_type):
self.device_id = device_id
self.device_type = device_type
self.is_on = False
def turn_on(self):
self.is_on = True
print(f"{self.device_type} {self.device_id} turned on.")
def turn_off(self):
self.is_on = False
print(f"{self.device_type} {self.device_id} turned off.")
class SmartHomeSystem:
def __init__(self):
self.devices = {}
def add_device(self, device):
self.devices[device.device_id] = device
print(f"Added {device.device_type} {device.device_id}.")
def control_device(self, device_id, action):
device = self.devices.get(device_id)
if device:
if action == "on":
elif action == "off":
print("Invalid action.")
print("Device not found.")
# Example Usage
smart_home = SmartHomeSystem()
light = SmartDevice(1, "Light")
thermostat = SmartDevice(2, "Thermostat")
smart_home.control_device(1, "on") # Turn on the light
smart_home.control_device(2, "off") # Turn off the thermostat
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Reference in New Issue