# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from mrjob.job import MRJob

class SalesRanker(MRJob):

    def within_past_week(self, timestamp):
        """Return True if timestamp is within past week, False otherwise."""

    def mapper(self, _ line):
        """Parse each log line, extract and transform relevant lines.

        Emit key value pairs of the form:

        (foo, p1), 2
        (bar, p1), 2
        (bar, p1), 1
        (foo, p2), 3
        (bar, p3), 10
        (foo, p4), 1
        timestamp, product_id, category, quantity = line.split('\t')
        if self.within_past_week(timestamp):
            yield (category, product_id), quantity

    def reducer(self, key, value):
        """Sum values for each key.

        (foo, p1), 2
        (bar, p1), 3
        (foo, p2), 3
        (bar, p3), 10
        (foo, p4), 1
        yield key, sum(values)

    def mapper_sort(self, key, value):
        """Construct key to ensure proper sorting.

        Transform key and value to the form:

        (foo, 2), p1
        (bar, 3), p1
        (foo, 3), p2
        (bar, 10), p3
        (foo, 1), p4

        The shuffle/sort step of MapReduce will then do a
        distributed sort on the keys, resulting in:

        (category1, 1), product4
        (category1, 2), product1
        (category1, 3), product2
        (category2, 3), product1
        (category2, 7), product3
        category, product_id = key
        quantity = value
        yield (category, quantity), product_id

    def reducer_identity(self, key, value):
        yield key, value

    def steps(self):
        """Run the map and reduce steps."""
        return [

if __name__ == '__main__':